A General Overview



  • Corn & Calluses

  • Warts

  • Skin Disorders & Infections

  • Nail Problems

  • Footwear Advice

  • Foot Health Education

  • Self Care Advice



  • Nail Surgery

  • Biomechanical Assessments

  • Sports Injury Management

  • Orthotic Devices

  • Systemic Disorders Advice, including diabetes, arthritic conditions, and those affecting the circulatory, nervous and musculoskeletal systems.



  • Foot Pain & Injuries

  • Sprains

  • Heel Pain

  • Stress Fractures

  • Achilles Tendinitis

  • Injuries to foot, ankle, shin

Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprains are caused by unnatural twisting or force on the ankle bones of the foot, often stretching or tearing one or more ligaments of the ankle.

Treatment  |  Treatment varies per patient depending on severity of the injury. Initially, most common treatment includes resting, elevation, and ice applied to the ankle.


Arthritis is the inflammation and swelling of the cartilage and lining of the joints, generally accompanied by an increase of fluid in the joints.

Treatment  |  Rest, anti-inflammatory medication, steroid injections, orthotics, physical therapy, and exercise are effective treatments.


A bunion is a bone deformity caused by an enlargement of the joint at the base and side of the big toe.

Treatment  |   Treatment varies per patient depending on severity and type of bunion. Severe cases may require surgery.


A callus is an area of hard, thickened skin that can occur across the ball of the foot, on the heel, or on the outer side of the big toe, and are generally indicative of an area undergoing irritation.

Treatment  |  We can reduce the calluses using debridement and in some instances, surgical correction is indicated.


Corns are calluses that form on the toes because of bones that push up against shoes and build up pressure on the skin. The surface layer of the skin thickens, which irritates the tissues underneath.

Treatment  |  We can reduce the corns using debridement and in some instances, surgical correction is indicated.


Those with Diabetes frequently have lack of sensation which can lead to skin ulcers. If left untreated this can result in amputation.

Treatment  |  The use of stem cell grafts and injections are being used for long term ulcers of the foot. Regular debridement and the use of topical medications are the most common treatment.

Flat Foot

Flat foot occurs when the arch is unstable. This can lead to chronic pain. This is usually an inherited condition.

Treatment  |   The most common treatment of flat foot is custom orthotics or braces.


Stress fractures tiny cracks in the bone surface usually in the bones of the forefoot extending from the toes to the middle of the foot. Bone fractures extend through the bone, and are usually the result of trauma.

Treatment  |  In most cases, these injuries will heal without operative treatment; however, seek medical attention for any suspected foot fracture as immobilization with a cast or boot is usually indicated.


Gout is caused by an elevation of uric acid in the blood which allows crystals to form in the joints.

Treatment  |  Acute gout can be treated with steroids and short term medications. Chronic gout may require long term medicines to reduce the uric acid.


Hammertoes is a contracture of a joint of a toe that puts pressure on the toe when wearing shoes.

Treatment  |  Surgical correction is performed, and when caught early, complete correction and recovery is enhanced.

Heel Fissures

Heel fissures are the cracking of the skin on the heels, which causes the skin to thicken.

Treatment  |  The best treatment is wearing proper shoes and the use of skin moisturizers and lotions to reduce dryness. Sometimes the skin must be thinned to allow healing.

Heel Pain

See Plantar Fasciatis

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can be caused by trimming toenails too short, shoe pressure, injury, fungus infection, or poor foot structure. They occur when the corners or sides of the toenail dig into the skin.

Treatment  |  Most cases require a simple procedure to permanently remove the piece of nail that is causing the problem.

Nail Fungus

Fungal nails are characterized by a change in the toenail’s color, thickness, and/or shape. Left untreated, it can present more serious problems.

Treatment  |  Depending on the type of infection, oral medications, removing the debris or removing a portion of the nail may be required.


A neuroma is a thickening of the nerve that that passes between the metatarsal bones.

Treatment  | The use of alcohol injections can often eliminate the symptoms of a Neuroma and reduces the use of surgical removal most of the time.

Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain)

Plantar Fasciitis is the inflammation of the bend of tissue in the bottom of the foot that extends from the heel bone to the toes, and therefore causes heel pain.

Treatment  |  This condition is often treated with anti-inflammatory medications, ice packs, orthotic devices, and physical therapy. In persistent cases, Tenex or Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment may be used.

Routine Foot Maintenance

We recommend a maintenance check to ensure proper hygiene and to check for any issues with your feet.

Treatment  |  Maintenance involves the trimming of painful nails, corns, or calluses to help keep you active.


A wart is caused by a skin virus that affects the skin through small or invisible abrasions.

Treatment  |  Warts can be resistant to treatment and often recur. Our treatments range from prescription medications, topical medications, or laser surgery.